Tuesday, September 28, 2004

To start off

Ok, this isnt going to be too interesting to outsiders. Mostly, I will be recording my poker records, so if you're not interested in that, move along.

So, on Monday Sep 21, my Paradise account was at 2080.

Tuesday 21/9 + 450 in roughly 4 hours of play
Wednes 22/9 +350 in roughly 5 hrs
Thurs 23/9 +300 in 5 hours

good week thus far :)

Thurs 24/9 - 200 in about 6 hours of play. I was up around 200 after about two hours of daytime play. As I was getting ready to leave the office, B asks me to keep her company. I think Eh, mise well poker some more even though I know that I am tired and pretty much 'pokered out' for the week - guess winning a lot every day had made me too optimistic. I stay and proceed to lose just over 400 in like 3 hours, get pissed at myself and her in the process, etc. Anyway, this could easily have been avoided. My account at this point is at 2960.

Monday 27/9 -120 in maybe 4 hours of play. I was again up about 100 or so in an hour of daytime play, then decide to put in some more poker after running the lake and going to the sauna. I was feeling very relaxed and thought it was a good idea at the time, but perhaps I was TOO relaxed to be playing. At least I was able to make myself stop about 400 hands in (close enough to my standard 300) rather than KEEP PLAYING up to 1000 or so like i did on friday. Account is at 2840.

Tuesday 28/9 +120 in an hour and a half or so of morning play, even though i've had to cut off twice because there were customers coming in to interrupt, which obviously always costs some money, if only from skipping free hands. Overall, I seem to be doing well in daytime hours, especially at the office. No idea why.

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