Saturday, September 30, 2006

Crushing the game - not

So far this week I have played about 3k hands of 2/4 shnl and made about $750. Not exactly crushing the game, but I guess it's better than not winning at all (or god beware, losing). I would like to blame the fact that I am doing so much worse than last week on the cards, but I am simply not playing very well, not taking pots away from people when I could, making some awkward calls, etc etc. I might put up some hands later.

One thing I really, really, REALLY need to remember : Every now and then you feel (and you feel everyone else must think..) that you are terrorizing the table, because you have been contesting 12 of the last 15 pots, maybe taking many of them down with raises. It is now the 16th hand and you get a hand like JJ, and suddenly you are reraised pf by a Blind and get bet into on the T42 flop. He has it. My Jacks are no good. I know this. Yet a bunch of the time I think 'He's just getting tricky because he hates for me to be running the table so he's running a 'This aggression will not stand' - kind of play'. This is partially correct. He does hate for me to be running the table, and he IS playing back at me. But he still has Aces. Or Kings. Some premium hand anyway. Of course this changes as you move up limits, when I played 5/10 SHNL there were few hands that weren't raised and reraised preflop. But at 2/4, just believe him.

Ok, so maybe I shouldn't be quite so negative. Played a little more, won a little, so I'm up ~1400 now for the week. Played 3 hours this morning, 2 hours last night, and maybe another 2 spread out over the week. That's $200 an hour and I am still whining :/

I also have made zero effort to play at the Casino, I guess I got too annoyed last time, but as of right now Marco and I may be going to Dortmund this evening to play 10-50 Spread Limit Mixed Game Hold'em / Omaha / Stud or some odd game like that. Should be fun, at least.

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