Saturday, February 10, 2007

Aaargh Hannover Casino...

The casino in Hannover really is unbelievable.

The registration process is a mess. It really shouldn't be so hard to make a list of advance registrations, but somehow they manage to write down players for the wrong days, or just forget them entirely, or let people sit down and then one of the (registered) regulars shows up 30 minutes late but still gets his seat, etc etc

The dealers are disastrous. They run the game slower than anywhere I've seen, and they still manage to make more mistakes than any others. Big ones, like awarding the pot to the wrong person, dealing out turn and river as if all players are all-in when in fact two players are still active ('you were going to check anyway, right ?')
When a player leaves his seat (and there's ALWAYS someone not in his seat), you have three choices as a dealer. What do you do ?

- You don't give him any cards.
- You give him cards and if he's not there either at the start of the hand or when it's his turn to act you muck'em.
- You look around the room for him, finally see him, gesture him to come over, he's on the phone but signals you 'just a minute', and only two minutes later you can resume dealing out the hand.

The casino itself is u-g-l-y. Casinos in Germany are usually really nice, ancient buildings with big ole chandeliers and such, or at least in modern buildings, or SOMETHING. This place has all the ambiance of an office building, all that's missing is the cubicles.

The food is terrible and you never get what you order.

That said, I'll be back tonight.

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