Thursday, February 15, 2007

Today REALLY sucks.

I'm sick. At home. Not sick enough to be in bed, just a sore throat and some coughing and that stuff.
So i want to play some poker, but party for SOME reason doesn't work for me, so I play on Stars and UB, knowing that I've done nothing but lose there recently... Obviously, I lose. Not terribly much, maybe $300 altogether, but still annoying. On top of that, I kept timing out during Magic Online drafts and lost like four of them today, and now that I want to play more they've been updating for the last eighthundred hours. Bleh.

Oh yea, saturday : we ended up going for a nice dinner first and then headed to the casino at ten. There were still seats so we played for a while (and got to laugh at the embarrassingly poor dealers). Won like €400.

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