Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Can't bring myself to play...

I really should play more poker. I'm barely doing well enough to get by, when by all means I should be a gazillionaire. For the last two weeks, I have intended to make my way to Hannover casino to play in an incredibly soft 5/10 NL game. Somehow there have always been other options - playing soccer, playing modo, meeting friends for coffee, meeting friends for beer, or just any of the thousands of things that I enjoy more than poker, although none of them pay me hundreds of Euros an evening. Wish i was greedier ! I need greed coaching !
Anyway, I stopped playing 1knl too, partially because I started losing sometimes, partially because I couldn't play 'tight' enough anymore like i had when I first started playing that game. I'm still up about 5k in that game and maybe I'll get excited abobut playing that again sometime soon.
Last weekend I played some 5/10 SH limit on stars to work off their new bonus and an old bonus I had (yes, I know that's kinda silly). Randomly won about $1500. I think that will be a good enough excuse to not play again for the rest of the month, especially considering there's a soccer field trip coming up next weekend :)
'Til next month...

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